This directory contains the data that was used in the research paper "An Energy Conserving Vlasov Solver That Tolerates Coarse Velocity Space Resolutions: Simulation of MMS Reconnection Events", Florian Allmann-Rahn, Simon Lautenbach, Rainer Grauer, 2021. The MMS data in mms-data.tar.gz is taken from the MMS science data center ( and is stored here for reference. It is subject to the MMS data policy (see All other files may be freely used without any restrictions. The .pvti files represent simulation snapshots and can be opened e.g. using ParaView ( The time of the respective snapshot (in inverse of ion cyclotron frequency) can be seen when the file is opened with a text editor. In the csv/ subdirectories, a time series of space integrated quantities is given which can be visualized using the script. In the log/ subdirectories, the muphy2 configuration files with the initial conditions of the respective simulation are given.